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GoPro Lenses & Lens Accessories

GoPro, the action camera manufacturer from America, is widely used in extreme sports videography founded by Nick Woodman back in 2002 after his surfing trip to Australia. He realized that the normal amateur photographers had no chance to get close enough to capture these surfing activities with reasonably priced pieces of equipment. He started the company with investment from his parents. After the success, GoPro acquired CineForm with the CineForm 444 video codec which can make HD and 3D editing faster and more convenient without sacrificing image quality. GoPro also teamed up with Periscope for live-video-streaming service in 2016.

GoPro also select the best clips annually to those GoPro content creators with $5 million awards for every interest, adventure, and passion. As it always say: Share your story. Inspire the world.