
Supplements & Vitamins

Stack it, Scorch it, Build the Perfect Fat Burner

By Mark

Searching for the perfect fat loss product?

Quit searching and home brew your stack to cut down before summer!

Spring is well on its way. How do I know? Because the annual onslaught of people asking me about fat burners has begun! This tells me that summer’s right around the corner.

Fat burning ingredients work in conjunction to release, round up burn and destroy fat cells.

We should all know by now that a solid training and nutrition plan are the first and most important line of defence against unwanted fat accumulation. But in saying that sometimes we all need that extra boost to help with our fat loss efforts. I will break down the most effective fat burning ingredients we have here at Mighty Ape. While many of these ingredients help you to control and lose weight through multiple mechanisms I will only be focusing on one mechanism that has been confirmed with numerous scientific studies.

Of course you can simply look out for commercial fat burners that already use a number of these ingredients if that’s easiest for you. Some of the best fat burning formulas we sell that have high amounts of the ingredients I’m about to talk about are Bpi burn 24/7, Ripped Freak, Platinum Labs Opti Burn, and Horleys Ripped Black just to name a few.

Personally, I prefer to buy my ingredients by themselves and stack them together. It may cost more on the front end, but having the ability to dial in the precise dose, I feel I often save money in the long term. If you go with a commercial fat burner, use this article to gain a better idea of what you’re taking and why. Otherwise, consider stacking with at least one ingredient from the ones mentioned below. (provided it’s not already in the formula!)

Fat Releasers First!

Sadly once we have a fat cell, unless surgically removed it’s going to be there for life (noooooo!). To loose body fat, aim to make these fat cells as small as possible. Now basically to do that you need to push the fat cells to empty out the fat they’re already holding onto. There are a few ingredients that do this, but we are only going to talk about the one with the most science behind it.

When you think of caffeine, you probably think of the energy hit you get, maybe you think that’s what’s r­amping up your fat burning. While caffeine does do that, the main benefit it offers for fat loss comes from its ability to free up fatty acids from the fat cells.

When you ingest caffeine, it binds to receptors on your fat cells. Normally the nucleotide adenosine binds to these receptors, and when it does, it puts a halt on fat release from the cells. With caffeine sitting on the receptors, adenosine can’t attach, and fat release is maximized. Several studies have confirmed its effectiveness when taking caffeine before workouts.

The Main benefit of caffeine comes from its ability to free up fat from fat cells.

200–400mg of caffeine between meals 2–3 times per day, with one of those doses 30–60 minutes before workouts on training days.

Calorie Burners!

Just because caffeine can help you to free up more fat from your fat cells doesn’t necessarily mean that fat will be burned off for good. You also need to ramp up your calorie burn, requiring your body to use that freed up fat as a fuel source. These two ingredients will boost the number of calories your body burns, forcing that fat to be burned away for good.

Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract is a no brainer supplements when it comes to fat burners. It aids fat loss by boosting the number of calories you burn each day, and that’s saying nothing of the host of health and physique benefits it offers, such as enhanced joint and muscle recovery. It’s also a powerful antioxidant.

The active ingredients in green tea responsible for fat burning effect are catechins, and one catechin in particular called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This potent antioxidant literally stops the enzyme that normally breaks down the neurotransmitter and hormone norepinephrine, which speeds up processes in the body such as calorie burning. No wonder we can’t keep enough Green Tea X50 in stock!

Take about 500–1000mg of green tea extract preferably one standardized for high EGCG content 2–3 times per day, with one of those doses 30–60minutes before workouts on training days.

Fat Transporters!

So now we've got all that freed-up fat floating around. Unfortunately, sometimes an increase in caloric burn isn’t always enough to ensure that is all gets torched for good. The fat has to get to the tiny power plants in your muscles known as mitochondria, located in the body’s cells where it will be burned up as fuel. But fat isn’t allowed to pass into the mitochondria at will; it must be carried in. fat transporters can help to maximize the amount of fat that gets in.

This amino acid like molecule is a critical component of the complex transporting system that brings fat into the mitochondria, where it is finally burned away for good. Several studies confirm that supplementing with carnitine increase the amount of fat that the body burns up.

Take 2–3 grams of carnitine in the form of L-carnitine, L-carnitine tartrate, or acetyl-L-carnitine, 2–3 times per day with meals. Take one dose with your pre workout meal and another dose with your post workout meal.

Fat Stoppers

Fat loss is a constant, on-going battle of trying to burn more than you store. So while it’s a good idea to use supplements that can free up more fat and burn it up, you should also consider using supplements that decrease the amount of fat in your body.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
This is a naturally occurring group of healthy omega-6 fats. Numerous research studies confirm that CLA enhances fat loss while simultaneously boosting muscle growth and strength. The main way it works is by stopping the action of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL allows fat cells to take up fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By inhibiting LPL, CLA prevents the body from storing fat and instead encourages your body to burn it!

Take 1–3 grams of CLA with breakfast, lunch, and with your last meal of shake at night.

Gene Activators

The more we learn about nutrition and nutritional supplements, the more we realize that nutrients can affect our genes in very profound and surprising way.

Fish Oil
This source of essential omeg-3 fats provides both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahezaenoic acid (DHA). These omega-3 fats have recently been found to turn on genes that increase fat burning while turning off genes that decrease fat storage (what!). That doesn’t include the every growing list of other benefits these fats provide, such as enhanced brain function, improved mood, joint recovery and even elevated muscle growth.

Take 2–3 grams with meals two to three times per day.

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