
That time when I almost became a movie star...

By Che

Last week while doing some work in the Mighty Ape warehouse I was rifling through the new DVDs and I saw that the documentary Teenage Paparazzo had recently arrived. Teenage Paparazzo discusses the relationship between celebrities and the paparazzi and societies obsession with celebrities. The doco is directed by Adrian Grenier who is an actor and is probably most well known for his lead role as Vinny Chase in the television show Entourage. Entourage also happens to be one of my favourite television shows.

Now I see loads of exciting new products arrive each day but this one was particularly significant because, believe it or not, myself and two friends were filmed and interviewed to appear in this movie.

I was in New York City in October 2009 with my friends David and Jordan. We were there to perform at this music festival, CMJ Music Marathon. David is a rapper and we were there chasing the American dream.

We were walking back to our apartment at 4am after a night out and I saw a familiar person leaving a bar around the corner from our place. It was Adrian Grenier. I introduced myself and my friends and told him how we were big fans of Entourage. We ended up hanging out and having a chat with him and his two friends on the street for about 10 or 15 minutes.

Adrian seemed surprised that a bunch of random guys from the other side of the world knew who he was. I guessed we kind of tapped into what his documentary about because he said to us, “I want you guys to be in this movie I'm making”. We were more than happy to oblige so they whipped out their cameras and started filming. They recorded us giving them consent to use the footage for their movie and asked us a bunch of questions on camera. We got a couple of photos and then headed home happy that we met the star of one of our favourite shows – New York City is cool like that.

Then in July while flicking through the Auckland Film Festival programme I saw that Adrian Grenier's Teenage Paparazzo was showing. I went along to the movie to see if myself and my mates made it into the movie. Unfortunately we didn't make the final cut of the movie.

I'm not sure why we ended up on the cutting room floor but I imagine it has something to do with the circumstances of our encounter. Interviewing randoms on the street at 4am probably made for some highly entertaining footage suitable for a comedy but probably no good for a serious documentary. We weren't fussed about it though, the experience itself made for some great memories.

All that aside though Teenage Paparazzo was an interesting documentary and well worth a watch if you are interested in paparazzi and societies obsession with celebrity. I also definitely recommend checking out Entourage, we have seasons one to six available.

So has anyone else had any cool celebrity encounters that they want to share?

Tags: movies


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  • Shane says: 4 February 2011, 11:23am

    Entourage is simply one of the best American shows ever, great story bro.

  • Chris says: 4 February 2011, 2:52pm

    Any deleted scenes on that DVD? You know what I'm thinking.

  • Mighty Ape says: 4 February 2011, 3:19pm

    There are deleted scenes but we're not in any of those. I was really hoping to get my name on a star in Hollywood and to make an Oscar acceptance speech, oh well :P