The Darkness previews

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Customer previews

4.2 out of 5 stars Based on 52 Customer Ratings

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These previews were written before the product was released.

2 reviews have been written since this product was released.

"Simply a "MUST-BUY" ..."
5 stars"

Well, how do I sum up this game in one word, I can't, my words fall short of it's greatness, the best i can muster is “Magnificent” …

Let's break it down.

Presentation: You are greeted with nice looking menu's and screens throught the game,it really captures the whole “darkness” theme.

Graphics: “Amazing” absolutely awsome,this is “NEXT-GEN!!!” The graphics flourish on the 360 with decent fps at the same time,they make your mouth water and really puts emotions and feeling into the mix nicely with the great storyline.

Storyline: Well it's has been pulled directly from The Darkness comics,which came out in 96. So yeah,teh story is told through chracters,cutscenes etc and it is doen very well.For a long time on next-gen we as customers have had to sit through dry games,making us play purely on graphics with out worrying about gameplay and storyline and i feel this is one of the first game to change this(next to gears of war).

Gameplay: Well it is very fun,and while the controls might be maped nicely and everything feels as if you have direct control of every section of the darkness/Jackie it still feels a bit loose.When you start playing you will notice the aim feels sloppy,but it can be tweaked,but I didn't even bother,because after 2 hours it feels natural already and handles beutifully.So wether your gunning down you Uncle Paulie's hitmen or letting the darkness take care of it really makes it feel intuitive and fun at the same time.To put it straight forward,it's aw­some.

Overall: I must admit,I loved every minute of this game,it took me 20 hours to finish on normal mode,so i still have hard mode to go for more achievments and it has over 100 extra content to be unlocked,and i loved every second of it! :)

This is a must buy for any 360 owner!!!

3 out of 3 people found this preview helpful.
"With great power..."
3 stars"

…comes great brutality!

Is this game worth wrapping your tentacles around?

The Darkness is a wonderfully gruesome adventure. There are some truly dark and even shocking moments in the story. There's a twist at the end of the first chapter that shook me a bit. And though the story does lose its way and makes little sense towards the end, it's still a fun ride. It's too bad that the AI and gameplay mechanics couldn't be smoothed out a bit more to match the impressive visual presentation. There's a lot to like about The Darkness, even if it doesn't fully come together in the end. With so few gaming options in the summer, this is certainly a title worth buying. Just don't expect a revolutionary experience. (IGN)

2 out of 3 people found this preview helpful.
"Gotta Love It"
5 stars"

Great game definitly worth your time and money. If you loved escape from butcher bay then you will loves this! Great game play different idea and it has paid off well. Ripping people to shreds has never been so much fun that with things like the demon arm or your minions who are little smart asses as well. 5/5

2 out of 3 people found this preview helpful.
"Great acton/adventure game!"
4 stars"

Really good game! I think how good a game is,is how long you think about it after;and this game had me thinking! Even just watching tv after completing the game,I was planning how to shoot all the lights out on the show I was watching! How random is that?
Of course,the game itself is excellent;amazing graphics,fantastic voice acting(even though it was a tiny bit out of sinc with the movement of the characters),some laugh-out-loud moments(gotta love those darklings). And it's up to you how to take down the bad guys in this game:come out with your guns blazing,sealth kills using Creeping Darkness,using all the powers of the Darkness-Demon Arm/Ancient Weapons/Black Hole,or getting your darklings to do the dirty work for you.
Only real complaints are:The Darkness can be finished quiet quickly,even if you complete most of the side quests too(I finished in a day&a half) and my complaint with most games-what I call “What Happened To The Bodies?”-you know when you kill someone/thing,leave the room&return straight away,and said body/ies have disappeared! Well this game has “What Happened To The Lights?”-where I've gone about destroying all light sources only to have them ALL back on a little further on into the game. This wouldn't really have bothered me so much except that everything else is untouched except for the light sources-bodies remained,cars remained,all the mess I'd created remained. Not really a big thing but was annoying as I'd have to go about again and kill the light sources!
Otherwise a really,really enjoyable game! Buy it!!!!

1 out of 2 people found this preview helpful.