

Win an amazing Thrustmaster & DIRT prize pack worth $900!

By Che

COMPETITION CLOSED: Winner is David Hall

DiRT Rally is releasing this week on on PS4 and Xbox One. To celebrate the release we have an epic prize pack from Thrustmaster to giveaway to one lucky monkey!

The prize is valued at $900 and consists of:

This is the ultimate setup for driving game fans. Tell us in the comments below why you need this ultimate set up in your home for your chance to win it!

Entries close at 11:59pm Wednesday, 13 April. We'll select and announce the winner the following day. Good luck :D


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  • Nic says: 7 April 2016, 9:13am

    I need this because ive always wanted to get into driving games and have a awesome steering wheel setup but never had "the drive" to drop enough cash on it!

  • Aaron says: 7 April 2016, 9:13am

    Ever since selling my sweet Logitech GT Driving Force Wheel and PS3, I've missed having a great racing game experience. This would be amazing for getting back into racing, especially with the PS virtual reality coming soon.

  • David says: 7 April 2016, 9:15am

    My Logitech G27 doesn't work with my PS4, and I need to teach my 4 year old son to drive, he really wants to learn, and I figured this would be fine for learning some essential skills.

  • Paul says: 7 April 2016, 9:15am

    Need this as my Wheels broke and would love a new one! and want to teach my nephew to drive on it haha

  • Olivia says: 7 April 2016, 9:15am

    Well I've been into the driving games for 20 odd years but never had a wheel of my own. This might keep me out of trouble on the streets too.. plus if I manage to get Playstation VR. It would be a dream. I love rally games so this would be amazing to win!

  • Ben says: 7 April 2016, 9:17am

    Would make my life complete.

  • Young says: 7 April 2016, 9:20am

    I just want to know what it feels like to win i love drving games and want to play them on a nice setup.

  • John says: 7 April 2016, 9:21am

    I love racing games more than anything! I was going to buy a wheel for my ps4 but I'm studying now and can't afford to. Would be so cool to jam this with PSVR when that hits but I'll have to sell myself to get that

  • Jeremy says: 7 April 2016, 9:21am

    I need it so that when I buy a PSVR from mightyape i'll be able to have an amazing VR experience. JEBUS THIS WOULD BE AMAZING!

  • Dylyn says: 7 April 2016, 9:22am

    I need the ultimate driving setup because then I can actually pretend to be a rally racer with my stepson

  • Roger says: 7 April 2016, 9:22am

    Racing games are the only things I haven't tried to play as the controllers just are not 'doing it for me'. give me a real steering wheel and controls..

  • Fiona says: 7 April 2016, 9:23am

    Why I need this is because I would feel so much safer sitting next to my teenage son when he drives than in my car

  • Andrew says: 7 April 2016, 9:24am

    I need this, because driving into trees is my life, not the aim of the game but hey, it's my minigame.

  • Jaison says: 7 April 2016, 9:24am

    I am what you would call a fully animated gamer & react to gaming situations to the utmost degree! Every time I drive using a controller I end up swerving my entire body around the room on my rolling desk chair! Add to that my unlimited use of "happy foot" action despite only using fingertip controls & I look like I'm suffering a palsy attack in the middle of zero gravity.

    Using this as the basis of a driving rig I could get hold of a 2nd hand driving seat to build a set up that would allow myself to be strapped in safely and for once not end up stuck in the crevices of the sofa halfway through an endurance race.

  • Kelvin says: 7 April 2016, 9:24am

    I need this because I have racing games I don't play - because a controller doesn't make sense.

  • Joel says: 7 April 2016, 9:25am

    I need this because I LOVE using steering wheels in racing games.

  • Julian says: 7 April 2016, 9:25am

    I have always wanted a kick ass racing wheel last time I had owned one was for my ps2 so I'd really love to own one for ps4 and use it on my current racing games and for future racing games as well for the full racing experience.

  • Owen says: 7 April 2016, 9:25am

    I've been playing rally games since Colin McRae 1, so much fun. In fact I'm off to spectate at Rally Otago this weekend! But games are SO much better with a wheel set! Had a Logitech Force Feedback for my old PS2 years ago and I was fantastic. Alas I don't have it anymore, so this would be just the thing.

  • glenn says: 7 April 2016, 9:25am

    I need this because I have got steering wheels in the past but have broken on me in a few weeks and also I love the dirt games please mighty ape

  • Nathan says: 7 April 2016, 9:28am

    I've got an old wheel, works onnpc and sadly not on ps4.

    It would be fantastic to play again with a wheel, and it even has a stand. A dream come true.

  • Shane says: 7 April 2016, 9:29am

    We are about to buy our next house an there is the perfect man cave room that would look so much better with this all set up in there jamming dirt rally!!

  • Russell says: 7 April 2016, 9:29am

    I've never been able to afford a steering wheel, always had the controller. This would also be great to "convince" the wife I need a gaming den. Then I can set up the ultimate man cave and get a gaming chair and I will be set

  • Nick says: 7 April 2016, 9:29am

    Damn alot of my online mates have been playing Project Cars & all have steering wheels or bought new ones in the last year. And now a few of them are getting Dirt Rally, I've missed out enough and this would be the ultimate package to jump into the fun! Always wanted get a wheel too, only had very limited chances to have a go with a setup like that & it'd be amazing to of my own! :D

  • Daniel says: 7 April 2016, 9:29am

    I need this because I suck at racing games with a regular controller!

  • bronson says: 7 April 2016, 9:29am

    I need these so i can learn to drive...

  • cody says: 7 April 2016, 9:30am

    Omg mighty ape with the awsome deals.... um yeah well i would love to win this becausse i loooovvveee car games man.. and was a huge fan of dirt3 and related games love drifting it up in dirt .. smashing dowwies around anything ..ohhh cough im rambling ... anyway thats mightyape for the read

  • Daniel says: 7 April 2016, 9:30am

    To do tandems on forza

  • Lenny says: 7 April 2016, 9:30am

    I drive a 1981 Cortina. You should give me this prize so that I can know what it feels like to drive a vehicle at more than 85 km/h.

  • Tim says: 7 April 2016, 9:30am

    Because I always won Sega Rally against my GF on the machines with the wheel and pedals when we go to the arcades, but she always won when we played it at home! This also means she won't let me buy a wheel, so this would give me back my winning skills!

  • Sam says: 7 April 2016, 9:31am

    My family could never afford something like this when I was younger, so I have always wanted to own one, plus dirt is my all time favourite racing game!

  • Mike says: 7 April 2016, 9:33am

    Dirt was the first rally game I played on Xbox One and had a blast! I've been looking forward to this one since it was announced, would be awesome with the wheel :)

  • Ricky says: 7 April 2016, 9:34am

    For me and my son! Would be a great addition to our gaming room haha. Plus Dirt is a great rally game. Would be the ultimate setup to have :)

  • Nick says: 7 April 2016, 9:34am

    This would be great for the racing games I own because it's not the same using a controller to race, plus I miss my old Ps2 steering wheel, this would bring back great memories

  • Krystina says: 7 April 2016, 9:37am

    I need this because it would be an awesome addition to my new game room i am setting up and i have never even had a gaming steerimg wheel before. This would be epic!

  • Josh says: 7 April 2016, 9:38am

    To drive in Colin mcraes old Subaru that would be amazing recreating the memories of playing the first Colin McRae on PlayStation with my older brother we were so so Coker to see nz in a video game! It was crazy best child hood memories right there

  • Holly says: 7 April 2016, 9:38am

    Because it would literally be sooo fun to have our friends over and have turns!! If there was an option to buy another wheel stand for two player that would be wicked?!

  • MICHAEL says: 7 April 2016, 9:40am

    I have always been a car guy and always played all the major racing titles. Even the original Colin McCray rally. But it's always been with a controller, I would love to win this so I can pass on my love racing games to my kids.

  • Andrew says: 7 April 2016, 9:41am

    I need this to enhance my driving ability... protect other road users... choose me ;)

  • Wally says: 7 April 2016, 9:48am

    Not only would it be awesome, I could teach the kids to drive in safety!!

  • Craig says: 7 April 2016, 9:51am

    I need this as having a wheel on a stand is a brilliant idea for console driving. Plus Dirt Rally is simply the best rally game yet

  • Darren says: 7 April 2016, 9:52am

    I need it to complete my poverty rally driver setup. I've got the helmet, the track suit, gloves and boots. Got the 'bucket seat'. Got the (cardboard) car frame.

    This should complete the look, then I'll be ready to hit the rally track. I'll be the coolest dad on the block.

  • Vikki says: 7 April 2016, 9:53am

    OMG!!! My hubby (and me of course) need this setup in our lives for a couple of reasons: he is Stay-At Home Dad to our daughter while I work fulltime (lucky him), she is in Kindy 16 hrs a week and he needs to work on his gaming skills, I have just realised that my drivers license has expired (oops) so can't drive a real car until I apply to get it re-issued haha, our 3 year old is starting to show some interest in Daddy playing racing games (just demo games as we can't afford to buy any as we are on 1 wage). Sooooo there you have it, this setup would take pride of place in our lounge and would definitely be used daily! Thanks Mighty Ape!! :)

  • mike says: 7 April 2016, 9:54am

    I need this because I'm i city guy who's never driven a car, and need to see what all the fuss is about.

  • Rob says: 7 April 2016, 9:55am

    I need this because, plain and simple, it sucks balls to use a controller when playing a driving's not even close.

  • Pierce says: 7 April 2016, 9:55am

    I would love to win this as I can't afford to race real cars. Rally on a budget

  • Alex says: 7 April 2016, 9:56am

    I need this bcause my car got backed into and is gonna be at the panel beaters for a week while i have to catch god awful public transport. Having this will give me atleast a semblance of driving at full speed with the wind in my barely holding on hair .

  • William says: 7 April 2016, 9:57am

    It will be good for me so I can improve my driving, reaction, and my thinking process for when I am off the race track and then go back and surprise everyone how much a game can improve a driver.

    Like for real though.

  • Darren says: 7 April 2016, 9:59am

    So I may be finally able to beat my son at a racing game!

  • Beck says: 7 April 2016, 9:59am

    Really would like a PS4 pack to give my boyfriend! :) and maybe I'll just have a go too!

  • Rikki says: 7 April 2016, 10:00am

    I need this for when my friend who lives with me, and is pregnant, gives birth. She can do baby things and i can drive around getting my rally car on and teach the infant how to drive.

  • Samantha says: 7 April 2016, 10:01am

    I need this because I love to go fast and this would be such an awesome game to play with my lill bro

  • matthew says: 7 April 2016, 10:05am

    I need this because I've always wanted to get a driving set up but can't justify buying one. Plus driving a keyboard and mouse or ps4 controller just doesn't feel right.

  • Michael says: 7 April 2016, 10:06am

    Would be a awesome set up. Have logged many hours into dirt rally on pc brought in first weel of early access been a great ride every since

  • Carlo says: 7 April 2016, 10:08am

    I need this so I could teach my brother how to drive :D!

  • chris says: 7 April 2016, 10:10am

    I need this because I've always loved the dirt series and always wanted a steering wheel/pedal setup but could never afford one so this would be a dream come true!!

  • Cameron says: 7 April 2016, 10:15am

    Because the manzone needs an awesome addition like this! Been casing out a steering wheel for the ps4 for ages now, I'd never have to go back inside if this was in there

  • Luke says: 7 April 2016, 10:16am

    Because I don't have a car, and this would be my only chance to put the 'pedal to the metal' as such.

  • Matthew says: 7 April 2016, 10:17am

    Me and my mates would love this as we always have party were we just sit down play racing games. this would be so awesome and make things a lot more fun

  • Adrian says: 7 April 2016, 10:21am

    Because me and my friends can play on it. It would be really awesome in my room. And to show off of course XD

  • Allan says: 7 April 2016, 10:24am

    I need it so I have another reason to not do my uni assignments!

  • Oliver says: 7 April 2016, 10:33am

    If I won this prize I would give it to my brother in law. He loves cars and racing games more than anything in the world. Unfortunately, he works his ass off 50 hours a week and still can't afford to treat himself. Hold back your sympathy, it is completely self inflicted, stupid decisions in his youth racking up car debt. Regardless, hes a decent bloke and I would love to reward him giving up smoking and working hard.

  • Mr says: 7 April 2016, 10:36am

    The world is in a slow decline and before it goes full on mad max I really need some off road driving exp and as its getting colder out I would rather practice indoors

  • Richard says: 7 April 2016, 10:39am

    I need this because I've been holding out finishing a few driving sim games on PS4 until I got a wheel l. I have had dirt rally in my sights as it looks like a great game and suits my gaming driving style - sideways through corners! Please!

  • Nick says: 7 April 2016, 10:39am

    I need this setup for bit of a sentimental reason. Back when I was young, around four or five years old we had a Playstation One and a demo of Colin McRae rally. We never ended up getting the full game but that demo was the only game I've ever seen my dad play. He loved it, setting times, watching his entire replay.

    I know he'd love the chance to refresh his rally gaming and he's always talking about how neat a wheel setup would be. Maybe MightyApe can help refresh his memory.

  • Sam says: 7 April 2016, 10:41am

    I need this setup because my driving game has gone slightly downhill since my G27 isn't compatible with the PS4

  • Elijah says: 7 April 2016, 10:42am

    I need this so I can experience an amazing racing game

  • James says: 7 April 2016, 10:48am

    So I can teach my wife how to drive to a degree that I feel safe with her driving our actual car.

  • James says: 7 April 2016, 10:49am

    Really really want to win this as it will improve my drive ratings and can smash all my mates times

  • Debbie says: 7 April 2016, 10:50am

    I need this for hubby who is a huge motor racing fan and he would think this was so cool plus if the kids are lucky he might let them have a go too. Also he no longer drives our car for health reasons and I know he misses driving so this would be awesome for him. Or I could play and provide hours of hilarity for the men folk to laugh at (goodnaturedly) as I am not good at motor racing games :)

  • Bash says: 7 April 2016, 10:53am

    Have always wanted a racing wheel set up, for years! Unfortunately could never afford one. Playing racing games with gamepad is just not much fun.

    This would be amazing!

    Good luck everyone :)

  • Chay says: 7 April 2016, 10:56am

    I'd also add a seat belt and get my partner in the habit of putting on her damn seat belt. Also I haven't had a wheel since the original Xbox. I played Halo with that wheel.

  • Graham says: 7 April 2016, 10:59am

    Because I've just had to drop all my cash on reparing my car and winning this might be the only way I'll get to drive for a long time!

  • Matthew says: 7 April 2016, 11:04am

    I need this because I've never had a steering wheel controller before and I've always wanted one and it might make my dad finally want to have a go at some of my games.

  • Ethan says: 7 April 2016, 11:08am

    I need this because I am short on cash for games and have been hanging out to get this game, all the dirt games so far have been up there with the best and I know this one will be the same. My partner is also sick of seeing me play black ops 3 all the time haha

  • Ian says: 7 April 2016, 11:10am

    I need this because the only other racing game I have is F1 2015

  • Lee says: 7 April 2016, 11:16am

    I need this because I am trying to teach my girlfriend to drive and she is terrible. This should teach her the valuable rally driving skills she needs to get her restricted license and get to work solo.

  • Nicolai says: 7 April 2016, 11:26am

    Because the wheel is compatible with PC. I don't have a ps4, I just want to win for the Racing wheel

  • Nathan says: 7 April 2016, 11:28am

    I've been wanting dirt rally since it hit pc, I'm always looking for racer but there aren't any good ones available on ps4 (I was really disappointed by project cars). Dirt 3 is one of my favourite games and I would love to play dirt rally. The game by it self is good but having the wheel will make it that much better

  • Jordan says: 7 April 2016, 11:37am

    Because when i make random car noises in my living room, i will seem more legit with a steering wheel in hand

  • Ralf says: 7 April 2016, 11:46am

    To save me from wanting to drive badly in real life ;)

  • Norton says: 7 April 2016, 12:08pm

    If I'm to be completely honest. I really like racing games, but... I'm not terribly good at them... I need all the chances I can get.

    Worst case scenario I'll no longer have any excuses for losing...

  • Gareth says: 7 April 2016, 12:10pm

    Because this would be a perfect compliment to my new projector set up!

  • Peter says: 7 April 2016, 12:19pm

    I used to work at a place with a setup like this and I always wanted one but could never validate it with the wife

  • Erin says: 7 April 2016, 12:26pm

    Got back into my racing games since NFS but really want a proper racer for the PS4

  • Samuel says: 7 April 2016, 12:27pm

    I need it because that will be the next part of the vr experience and i can't afford both plus a pc upgrade haha

  • Deanna says: 7 April 2016, 12:30pm

    I just need it. I haven't played any car games on my PS4 yet so what a way to start! It would be fantastic!!!!

  • Gary says: 7 April 2016, 12:31pm

    I would the prize, as I have heard only good things about the game. I am a true aficionado of pure driving game and sorely miss have a decent racing wheel setup. Give this prize a home where it will loved at put to the test everyday. Awesome opportunity, thanx.

  • Bruce says: 7 April 2016, 12:32pm

    I need this because my thumbs and fingers can't handle the tiny movements required to be good at racing games. It's either full acceleration and full turning or nothing. A racing wheel would work so much better!

  • Bryce says: 7 April 2016, 12:36pm

    I really need this because I haven't really got a good racing car game and it would be a awesome experience with the Thrustmaster T150 Wheel and the Wheel Stand Pro making it more fun to play

  • Allan says: 7 April 2016, 12:38pm

    I need this because I have always wanted to get into driving games and have always wanted a steering wheel setup but never had been able to afford it

  • Andrew says: 7 April 2016, 12:39pm

    I had a wheel a while ago but I had to sell it because it wouldn't fit the new desk I got. This would be amazing because I could finally get back behind the wheel and enjoy car racing games again.

  • Jacqui says: 7 April 2016, 12:41pm

    I need this because it looks like a whole heap of fun for all the family and that's a great reason to spend some time together.

  • Liam says: 7 April 2016, 12:53pm

    I need it because I never used one of these before because I can never afford it so winning one would make a dream come true

  • Luke says: 7 April 2016, 12:54pm

    I've always liked rally games and this would make for an awesome setup

  • terry says: 7 April 2016, 12:54pm

    Because I could legally drive drunk

  • Marcus says: 7 April 2016, 12:55pm

    I don't want it!

    I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!

    Please don't make me go ape over this.

  • Ben says: 7 April 2016, 12:59pm

    I need this set up to make me feel like the best living room rally driver the world has ever seen!

  • Nick says: 7 April 2016, 1:06pm

    This would make the man cave just that much better! My wife will be stoked.

  • Derek says: 7 April 2016, 1:12pm

    I need this in my room, my handmade wooden steering wheel, pedals, and gear shifter arent really cutting it anymore. And would love to use this on Dirt Rally and every other racing game.! Please and Thank you.!!

  • Nick says: 7 April 2016, 1:16pm

    I need this because my old wheel dosnt work with most modern games/consoles anymore.

  • Rebecca says: 7 April 2016, 1:20pm

    You can only ever get good at rally games with a steering wheel. A controller just doesn't cut it. I've yet to purchase a car racing game on the PS4. I would love to get this and prove to my father that I'm the better driver!

  • Tom says: 7 April 2016, 1:29pm

    I need this so I can take it to WUGS social events for the whole club to enjoy.

  • Aaron says: 7 April 2016, 1:32pm

    I need this so I can show my partner how to drive :P

  • Peter says: 7 April 2016, 1:33pm

    I need to win this as my wife won't let me buy it...

  • Alex says: 7 April 2016, 1:33pm

    Because I have always wanted a driving game with this setup and this looks awesome.

  • Ben says: 7 April 2016, 1:33pm

    Me and my family used to all play 'RallySport 2' for xbox original. It has to be my favourite Racing game of all time and I was actually thinking of buying this game, but winning it, plus the extra gear would be a dream.

  • Nicholas says: 7 April 2016, 1:44pm

    I need it cause its the best way to enjoy racing games!

  • Travis says: 7 April 2016, 1:50pm

    Well, needing a new racing game, especially for my PS4. Never had a steering wheel before so it would be good to try and play Dirt Rally at it's full potential

  • Mathew says: 7 April 2016, 1:51pm

    WOW i would so love the wheel! I think that would be an awesome way to play games like GTA5! :0

  • Melanie says: 7 April 2016, 1:54pm

    I would love this for my hubby. He helps me heaps & is such a good dad. He deserves this awesome prize as a treat!

  • Rhys says: 7 April 2016, 2:03pm

    Cos rally. That's why.

  • allanah says: 7 April 2016, 2:13pm

    Id love this cos i want to get into gaming again and racing games my favourite

  • Jeff says: 7 April 2016, 2:20pm

    I've always wanted to use one of these when i play games like Forza, GTA, Dirt 3. GL everyone!

  • Matthew says: 7 April 2016, 2:33pm

    I have a steering wheel for my ps3 and its amazing for the racing games, so this for the ps4 would be incredable

  • Jordan says: 7 April 2016, 2:53pm

    Well considering I don't have my drivers license yet, this would be a blast to help me learn! (well maybe ill just learn how to go really fast in this, maybe not as quick in real life)

  • Corey says: 7 April 2016, 3:01pm

    I have always wanted a racing set up in my life and I have never been able to justify purchasing one this is why If I win this prize pack I can fulfil my life long dream of having one.

  • Layton says: 7 April 2016, 3:16pm

    My Dad and I have been playing racing games since the first Playstation console. We are massive fans of the racing genre, I owned so many racing games I can't name them all. But I love Project Cars, it is an amazing game. And a steering wheel will only make the experience that much better. And Dirt Rally looks like a good game. I've always wanted a steering wheel but unfortunately have been unable to purchase one. This would be a dream come true to win this.

  • Callum says: 7 April 2016, 3:21pm

    I need the wheel to play Trackmania Turbo on hardcore mode! The game would be preeeetty nice too. The stand speaks for itself ;)

  • Mark says: 7 April 2016, 3:25pm

    I'd love to win this prize pack, not for me as I already have Dirt on the PC with an old 360 wheel, but for my brother in law. He's been wanting to have a simulator setup for a while now. But he only has the racing seat he got from work. Lack of funds meant he had to sell his car he'd restored, so this would mean a lot to him. Cheers

  • Conner says: 7 April 2016, 3:27pm

    I need this because me and my gf are moving in together at the end of this month and I get to turn one of our rooms into a dedicated gaming room!

    This setup would make one hell of an addition. I've also had my eye on Dirt Rally since it was an early access game on Steam, it looks amazing and would definitely tide me over until the next Gran Turismo!

  • Connar says: 7 April 2016, 3:33pm

    It's my birthday on the 14th of April and I shop at mighty ape all the time and I never have had one, thanks

  • shaun says: 7 April 2016, 3:47pm

    Every time I look at my sad old Driving Force GT that isn't allowed to connect to the PS4 I feel a tear well up.. save me from these feels!

  • James says: 7 April 2016, 3:49pm

    Would love this setup because it reminds me of the days I used to see my dad game with a retro wheel on the pc!

  • Nic says: 7 April 2016, 4:00pm

    I need it because I'm going for my restricted soon and need all the practice I can get ;) not to mention racing games have forever been my favorite. We had a driving wheel for a ps1 and I loved it

  • Nic says: 7 April 2016, 4:00pm

    I need it because I'm going for my restricted soon and need all the practice I can get ;) not to mention racing games have forever been my favorite. We had a driving wheel for a ps1 and I loved it

  • carl says: 7 April 2016, 4:02pm

    I recently became a proud father and would need this set up to teach her how to drive:D

  • Kirsty says: 7 April 2016, 4:08pm

    I have NOTHING like this and racing games are my absolute favourite. This would be incredible!

  • Stephen says: 7 April 2016, 4:12pm

    Having this setup would sure beat driving the kids around in our old people mover... I have the need - the need for speed! (and also getting muddy and not having to clean it afterwards) :-)

  • Amanda says: 7 April 2016, 4:14pm

    Honestly I don't need this setup. The matter of the fact is that I want this setup because I love racing games but ive never had a wheel for racing games because they're just too expensive

  • doug says: 7 April 2016, 4:16pm

    This set up would go very nicely with the Playmate gaming chair.

  • Melissa says: 7 April 2016, 4:36pm

    Ive never been able to afford a wheel. Been stuck with my controller for years! I would love it win!

  • Simon says: 7 April 2016, 4:37pm

    This would be awesome to win! I would use the WSP with my Logitech G29 . I would then give the T150 to my brother along with my DIY timber cockpit rig to start his own setup for epic racing battles online!

  • Tristan says: 7 April 2016, 4:40pm

    It would take my driving experience to the next level

  • Jackson says: 7 April 2016, 4:44pm

    Omg, i have been wanting a proper racing/rally game and a steering wheel to go with it for ages, ive been watching Dirt Rally since it hit steam early access a while back and was amazed at its realism, and with the steering wheel and that fact you can hide the steering wheel in game so all you can see is your one irl is fantastic, it'd bee amazing to win this.

  • Richard says: 7 April 2016, 4:45pm

    I just recently bought an XBOX One after saving up for some time, and now I don't have enough money for any games. This setup would be so awesome! Since playing older games like Need For Speed: Pro Street I have always dreamed of taking racing games to the next level, but the gear is so expensive! I would love this setup!

  • Derick says: 7 April 2016, 4:56pm

    I need this because I would like to play a driving game with more than just a controller.

  • S says: 7 April 2016, 5:07pm

    I need this set up in my home so I can finally buy a PS4 (from Mighty Ape of course). Let me win this so my wife cannot say "You don't need a PS4!" anymore. It's a valid argument that I can pull off for sure.

  • Kieran says: 7 April 2016, 5:09pm

    I need this because it would make the game so much better and we have a baby due next week so it would give me a good break when I get a chance

  • Adam says: 7 April 2016, 5:20pm

    I've never stopped loving racing games, it began with need for speed 2 on PC

  • Samuel says: 7 April 2016, 5:22pm

    So I keep it off the streets. Safety first.

  • Nicholas says: 7 April 2016, 6:20pm

    Because i NEEEEEEED it

  • Shelley says: 7 April 2016, 6:21pm

    Always wanted a rally game and this would really help me get started and the wheel is an added bonus. good chance to try something new

  • Hayden says: 7 April 2016, 6:28pm

    I need this because first off i do not have a racing game for my PS4, also the last time i had a rally game was on PS1, i still have it actually "Colin McRae Rally 2.0" was and is my first and only rally game to this day and I loved playing it with my brothers back in the day, second of all I have never had a steering wheel for any of my PlayStation consoles as they are a bit pricey, but i have played them at my friends house and I loved them! This would be such an awesome prize to win, you dont know how happy this would make me! This would really give me the Ultimate Gaming Experience!! Thanks and good luck to everyone! :D

  • Melanie says: 7 April 2016, 6:36pm

    My husband would love me forever!

  • Christopher says: 7 April 2016, 7:05pm

    *Dukes of hazard horn*

  • Mark says: 7 April 2016, 7:09pm

    I need this to sever my fps addiction and move back to the track! Also the flat I just moved into loves racing games so we would definitely put this to good use!

  • Anita Marija says: 7 April 2016, 7:44pm

    With this i would no longer be subjected to my son moaning about how he never wins a race using only his controller - that, in itself, would be GOLD!

  • Brendon says: 7 April 2016, 7:48pm

    i need this because i just recently got need for speed and dirt 3 and really want to try and play these games with a wheel

  • Trent says: 7 April 2016, 8:53pm

    I love racing games and If I can turn my Playstation into a machine with a wheel I shall! DiRT Rally, Gran Turismo, Need for Speed... I would have so much fun! Will save on petrol costs too!

  • Dylan says: 7 April 2016, 8:53pm

    Need to win this so I can teach my son how to drive.

  • Paul says: 7 April 2016, 9:08pm

    I like racing games and play a lot of them but have never owned a racing wheel and would like to get one at some stage.

  • David says: 7 April 2016, 9:12pm

    I seriously need this, I mean I am going for my drivers license and there is no better way to get some practise in. Look out all of you guys on the road ill be pulling some awesome drift.

  • Jeremy says: 7 April 2016, 9:22pm

    Because my last wheel was stolen, along with everything else i.e. console, controllers, games.

  • Stefan says: 7 April 2016, 9:37pm

    Would get my daughter into gaming. Fun for the whole family.

  • Adam says: 7 April 2016, 11:51pm

    well i really need to teach myself to drive manual :P

  • Adam says: 7 April 2016, 11:51pm

    well i really need to teach myself to drive manual :P

  • Grant says: 8 April 2016, 1:08am

    Because I don't own a PS4 wheel or this game, but I'd really love to! Pretty please with sugar on top?

  • Bryan says: 8 April 2016, 6:55am

    I need this because i am an uncle now and love my niece very much which is why i want to help her "turn smoothly" (when she has problems) and hit the "apex" every time through the "chicanes" we all have to "steer" through in life

  • Nimesh says: 8 April 2016, 7:50am

    It's the only way to really experience the DiRT Rally. Thrustmaster T150 Racing Wheel and Stand Pro V2 will give us the realistic experience that we deserve:)

  • Ajay says: 8 April 2016, 8:49am

    so i never need to drive my car again

  • David says: 8 April 2016, 11:05am

    I suck at driving games, so perhaps a setup like this will make me less prone to driving like I'm blindfolded.

  • wade says: 8 April 2016, 11:09am

    This would be an awesome prize to win.. As my son is too lazy to go for his licence (Computer mad fan).. Maybe this will show him what he is missing out on

  • Richard says: 8 April 2016, 11:50am

    Soo one of my best mates when I was a kid was and is a car nutter, I used to jam Colin McRae with him on PS1 quite regularly... Not so much now but this prize would be awesome with him or for him, Yeah talking about you Daniel haha! Goodluck all!

  • Ta'i says: 8 April 2016, 12:20pm

    I'm an absolute racing game addict and need this to go with the plystation vr when that comes out for gran turismo :O

  • Jesse says: 8 April 2016, 12:29pm

    Always been in to racing games but never been able to get the full set up, definitely would be a cool pack to win and could be used with other games in my collection. Also haven't played a rally game In awhile and it's my favourite type of car racing

  • Tom says: 8 April 2016, 12:31pm

    I NEED this set up because I love racing games, but have never had one since using my flatmate's console, and racing set ups are too expensive! Help me Mighty Ape, you're my only hope.

  • Chris says: 8 April 2016, 12:37pm

    It would provide such an amazing immersive experience. So much more so than any keyboard could deliver!

  • Michael says: 8 April 2016, 12:43pm

    I would love this prize. Too often I go to bed only to enter this dark dimension where I can't drive. I lose all coordination and it's just horrible. Just last night I was in a McDonald's car park and couldn't park! I dinged a car and boy did the driver go off at me. $300 she said! I could barely see a dent, but you see what I have to put up with. These constant driving nightmares can only be cured with one thing: the Thrustmaster 2000. Then and only then will I sleep soundly at night.

  • Gavin says: 8 April 2016, 1:26pm

    I need this to teach my GF how to drive, she recently crashed into a wall from a parked position (not joking) so she needs it :P.

  • Matthew says: 8 April 2016, 1:35pm

    Hi I would love to win this rig for my two children they would absolutely dig it. Charley and his sister Rosie really rock on the X1 and this would make their eyes pop out indeed. Mighty God please! Matt.

  • Erin says: 8 April 2016, 6:26pm

    I would love to win this! It's exactly what I want to get my boyfriend for his birthday. He'd be like a kid at Christmas if he unwrapped something this awesome.

  • Bharty says: 8 April 2016, 6:28pm

    It's been a dream to add something like this to my setup. I love cars so much but have never been able to save up for a racing setup like this. This would be like Christmas 2.0. Just amazing :)

  • Robert says: 8 April 2016, 8:44pm

    Who says you cannot experience driving awesome cars or driving in race tracks from around the world? With this awesome setup, I will be the king of the tracks!

  • isaac says: 8 April 2016, 8:57pm

    It would be great to have a steering wheel again I haven't had one sense ps3 I have always enjoyed a good racing game this one looks really good

  • Oliver says: 9 April 2016, 11:06am

    I really enjoy driving games. They are so fun and with this set up it would be so immerse. Plus I really enjoy driving in real life but living in Wellington I don't get much of a chance to do it as often as I would like... If I won this I could do it virtually if not in real life aha :)

  • Gillian says: 9 April 2016, 7:09pm

    My daughter wants to be a rally driver and this set would be perfect for her to practice with while we prepare ourselves emotionally for her career choice!!

  • David says: 10 April 2016, 12:39am

    Awww! I need this!
    I had to get rid of my last racing wheel because of a lack of space in the lounge, but now I've recently moved into a bigger house with a games room, so I'll have the room again to it set up.
    I'm also a huge fan of racing games, easily putting in over 1000 hours into Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo 6 individually, not to mention past installments. I've recently been playing Driveclub and Dirt is next up on the list, this would make an epic Birthday present too :D

  • Shaun says: 10 April 2016, 1:07pm

    I have been playing racing games for years, the first game I ever owned was WRC II for PS2. I've always wanted to get a speed/racing wheel but never had the money. This could be my chance...

  • Robert says: 10 April 2016, 1:12pm

    I need this for ps4 so I'm set up with a steering wheel controller when vr racing comes out

  • Scott says: 10 April 2016, 1:14pm

    I need this as I've just had to sell my car and I'm without wheels now. This would be the next best thing!

  • Kyeron says: 10 April 2016, 1:20pm

    i need this because driving just isn't the same with a controller and doing drifts on Forza with a steering wheel setup is amazingly fun and challenging

  • Kyeron says: 10 April 2016, 1:22pm

    haha my bad i didnt read this properly. XBOX FOREVER!!!!

  • Jordan says: 10 April 2016, 2:00pm

    Because I'm too broke and could never afford it lol

  • CJ says: 10 April 2016, 2:19pm

    I need this because I have an awesome husband who would love this kit, he does a lot to keep me sane and happy, so I would love to win this for him.

  • damon says: 10 April 2016, 2:36pm

    i need this because i love driving/racing games and always wanted a setup like this but could never afford anything like this lets just say it would b a dream!!!!

  • Lewis says: 10 April 2016, 2:41pm

    Winning this would be awesome and would be the perfect addition to the man cave.

  • Toni says: 10 April 2016, 2:49pm

    I need this to kick some serious brother butt in car racing

  • chris says: 10 April 2016, 3:00pm

    I need it so that I can live out my driving fantasies as I am unable to drive. I've always been a fan of realistic/simulator games and so a set like that would get much love :)

  • Bradley says: 10 April 2016, 3:11pm

    i need this because i have no racing games on my ps4 at the moment and i would be over the moon to have this make my year !

  • Nitish says: 10 April 2016, 3:15pm

    I need this because I am about to start my new gaming room setup and this will look great in it plus I can use this to get my restricted :P

  • jeremy says: 10 April 2016, 3:24pm

    Because I just went to the otago rally yesterday and now I'm watching all the rally cars go past my house, as they go to the finish and now I wanna be a rally driver, except I can't drive so this prize would be amazing and could help teach me how to drive from the safety of my home.

  • James says: 10 April 2016, 3:42pm

    I will soon have to teach a teenage girl how to drive. I think it would be safer for everyone if she could learn about handbrake-turns, and four-wheel-drifting, from the safety of our living-room.

  • Catriona says: 10 April 2016, 3:53pm

    I need this because it's been far too long since we had a decent driving game!!

  • Dylan says: 10 April 2016, 4:12pm

    I NEED this in my life haha, love all racing games, this would make it much more realistic, and I will finally be able to prove to my siblings that I'm the better driver xD

  • TsunJeck says: 10 April 2016, 4:17pm

    Need this because I don't have a real car!

  • Troy says: 10 April 2016, 4:29pm

    I need/must have this because I am a racing game fan.
    This set up would look sooooooo good in my games room.

  • shane says: 10 April 2016, 4:31pm

    This wud be amazing I've just got a racing gaming chair and go my set up really good and this we make it the most epic set up out of all my friends and wud fit in perfect. I've always wanted a racing set up but never had the money

  • Aaron says: 10 April 2016, 4:33pm

    because I don't have a car and racing sims are as close as I'm going to get. also I wanna be weird and try and complete a non racing game with it

  • Glen says: 10 April 2016, 4:35pm

    Would love to win this from the awesome team at mighty ape. My dad loves motorsport so would love to win it for him

  • Riki says: 10 April 2016, 4:59pm

    ERMAGAWD! neeeed so I can vroom vroom like a boss!

  • Phil says: 10 April 2016, 5:06pm

    Because im thinking to pre-order the vive, for project cars and playing that with vr and a ps3 controller ... well thats just Gorram silly! This setup would fully immerse me into thw racing world!

  • Sam says: 10 April 2016, 5:11pm

    Haven't had a setup like this since V-rally way back on the ps1, would be awesome to get back into it!

  • Steven says: 10 April 2016, 5:21pm

    Because it's the ultimate set up!

  • Gavin says: 10 April 2016, 5:28pm

    So I can get my rally fix without taking my poor little car off road in real life.

  • Dale says: 10 April 2016, 5:32pm

    I need this mint setup as I already have a racing seat waiting for a simulator setup, I love rallying and want to be able to practice my racing at home and so I can safely teach my son how to drive! Imagine if I won this! Good job mighty ape!!

  • Andrew says: 10 April 2016, 5:38pm

    I would love this as I'm a car fanatic and what time that isn't spent around the real thing is usually spent playing racing games. I've always wanted to buy a wheel and pedal set but funds have never allowed for me to do so. It's also my birthday on the 17th

  • George says: 10 April 2016, 5:39pm

    yes need this much better than a keyboard and mouse Xbox One please

  • Joshua says: 10 April 2016, 5:42pm

    I would love this. As a kid I used to own a PS2 racing wheel and I used to love it so much till my dog chewed the cable. I'd love to get back into racing games again with this bundle :)

  • Mike says: 10 April 2016, 5:52pm

    I would love to win this! My kids have a Logitech Momo Racing Wheel but I think they should get a upgrade and this game to go with it since they don't have too many racing games

  • Carl says: 10 April 2016, 6:05pm

    Haven't played a rally game since Colin McCray 2, recently got Driveclub and Project CARS for ps4 would love to play those and Dirt with a racing wheel setup

  • Sean says: 10 April 2016, 6:06pm

    Have been playing racing games for a very long time now especially rally. Ever since Colin McRae on PS1 I have been hooked. This would absolutely make my year!

  • Karl says: 10 April 2016, 6:07pm

    I've always wanted a racing wheel. I'm a long time fan of racing games, but I'm yet to acquire my own racing wheel.

  • George says: 10 April 2016, 6:20pm

    after selling my car when moving to uni, this will be the closest i have come to driving in years! looks like an amazing package to get me back in the drivers seat

  • Tyler says: 10 April 2016, 6:41pm

    ''Racing..... because golf, football and baseball only require one ball"

  • Craig says: 10 April 2016, 6:47pm

    The young fella loves cars. With his birthday coming up, he'd FLIP getting this!

  • Johannes says: 10 April 2016, 6:53pm

    I figure this will be my best chance to learn how to actually drive.

  • Callum says: 10 April 2016, 6:58pm

    I would love this setup as i'm already loving the PC version of Dirt rally but need to improve so i stop crashing on monaco and for once beat a rally? Please, pretty please

  • Jennifer says: 10 April 2016, 7:01pm

    Driving games are so awesome and the kids would love me for ever if I won this for 'them'. (or should I say 'me'!!)

  • john says: 10 April 2016, 7:21pm

    This is so freaking amazing! Would look sweet all set up in my lounge. This game also looks fantastic, can't wait to get my copy.

  • Layton says: 10 April 2016, 7:23pm

    I would love to have this I have always wanted one because I love car games but I could only afford a ps4 it took me a year to save for if you gave me it it would be put to good use everyday thanks.

  • kitiama says: 10 April 2016, 7:26pm

    i would to win this so i can feel like in the drivers set instead of sitting there with a controller

  • Aaron says: 10 April 2016, 7:33pm

    I've been with Codemasters and Rally since the beginning. Even chucking a sicky from work so I could get Colin McRae to sign my copy of Colin McRae rally.

  • johno says: 10 April 2016, 7:36pm

    This would be amazing. Its a little hard to get 100% stuck into a racing game if you dont use a wheel. Project cars and dirt rally shouldn't be without this gear

  • Hayden says: 10 April 2016, 7:40pm

    I'd like it not only cause i love racing games but this would make my gaming so much better

  • Bank says: 10 April 2016, 7:46pm

    When I'm older and retired from heavily satisfying programming career I'm going to be a prodigy rally driver. And thinking to myself: damn why did I not have such a cool setup from MightyApe all those years ago? It wouldn't helped a tons.

    Been joking about the serious inevitability with the girlfriend already... Serious stuff.

  • Caleb says: 10 April 2016, 7:53pm

    It'd be awesome to share such an experience with my boys. Get them into a joining me at rally events as I did with my own Dad. And then get to do it all themselves at home!

  • Aimee says: 10 April 2016, 7:57pm

    Mr 14 is getting closer to learning to drive - this game might teach him a trick or two ;-)

  • Brayden says: 10 April 2016, 8:22pm

    I need this because I absolutely love racing games (& am actually pretty darn good at them especially for solely using a controller) but I have never been able to get a half decent wheel & pedals ever. They're pretty darn expensive to get good ones :( I think they'd make all the difference in getting better times etc & give an overall more immersive experience, having more direct feel with force feedback & a good amount of degree turning angle so to make those intricate little precise corrections.Please oh please make my day Mighty Ape!! Been getting products from you guys for quite a while, from when you guys first started up even :3

  • Theresa says: 10 April 2016, 8:43pm

    Hubby's bday shortly and if he got this he would be smiling for days

  • Alastair says: 10 April 2016, 8:56pm

    Not sure if I say I rally need this....or I wheely need this.

    Either way, I really need this. As do my boys.

  • Marcos says: 10 April 2016, 9:29pm

    It's my wife's birthday later this month and I can just imagine the look on her face if I was able to give her this as her present. I'm sure there would be tears of joy. Well, tears, anyway.

  • Daniel says: 10 April 2016, 9:29pm

    This would be the mean setup for my lounge be hours of fun for me and the mates

  • Michael says: 10 April 2016, 10:00pm

    I need this so me and my son can play split screen like pro's! If I win one I will have to buy another so we can have an epic father son car racing setup! :D

  • David says: 10 April 2016, 10:03pm

    I have no idea how to explain my reason. All I can say is that I just really want this! :)

  • Jordan says: 10 April 2016, 10:11pm

    Because playing on the sticks just isn't enough!lol

  • Jeremy says: 10 April 2016, 10:17pm

    I am a poor Uni student who needs some awesome procrastination like this package to help me stay sane through the semester!

  • Victoria says: 10 April 2016, 10:20pm

    I need this awesome set up to prove to my children that their 41 year old mother, is not too old to play driving games!

  • Jonny says: 10 April 2016, 10:34pm

    I NEED this for my 60" tv in my dedicated gaming room.

  • Sam says: 10 April 2016, 10:36pm

    I've always wanted a racing wheel but never had the money to buy one. It would be a great addition to the flat :D

  • Adam says: 10 April 2016, 11:10pm

    Because I need to teach my sister how to drive and she sure as hell ain't using my car! What better way than to throw her round the gentle rally tracks where if she crashes she only has to pay in game money!

    (but really so I can put my foot down and speed which I cant/won't do in real life!)

  • Henley says: 10 April 2016, 11:17pm

    Practice driving so I don't crash into a old lady's car again

  • Philip says: 10 April 2016, 11:28pm

    I need this. I live in Palmerston North, where the CYFPS office is in serious need of toys/equipment to help out. I would love to donate this rig to them.... Will have to work on a PS4 to go with it though :)

  • Thea says: 11 April 2016, 12:34am

    I need this so I can take turns playing this game with my dad! We've always wanted one of these set ups when we've had our gaming sessions and it would be so lovely to have that chance!! Thanks MightyApe

  • Cam says: 11 April 2016, 1:14am

    My Father, the legendary rally driver/superhero, Cornelius 'Superfreak' Bartholomew John Johnson III... tragically died when I was only 6 years old. Now, 40 years later I dream of driving a rally car like my Father. However, my Mother won't allow it and since I live in her basement and she still does all my washing then I'm obliged to obey her. It would be so amazing to have a Thrustmaster set-up as I would be able to follow in my Father's footsteps without risking my life or disobeying my Mother.

  • aaron says: 11 April 2016, 5:50am

    bwarrrrp kish long right over crest. pish bwahhhhh long left, hair pin BWARRRRRP KISH BWARRRRP KISH. I sound crazy right? imagine how i look doing this without dirt rally and thrust master gear for my ps4.

  • Robbie says: 11 April 2016, 7:02am

    I need this to one up my friends, I'm super competitive and they already have a jump start with Dirt Rally. I need all the advantage I can get!

  • Nick says: 11 April 2016, 7:34am

    I need this because I haven't played a decent rally game since Colin McRae and the last steering wheel I owned was a cheap one for ps2. This one would be amazing!

  • Rebecca says: 11 April 2016, 7:34am

    With winter coming up, means more time stuck inside, what better excuse than to have mates around and just chill out gaming and ensuring we have the PERFECT gears for this to master our nerd!!

    Also means we have competitions and get really into it and have like round offs and challenges and then when they aren't here means I have an advantage to practise and make sure I Do not lose!!

    Not that it's all about winning, well not all the time and gives me head start on my partner cause he works more often than me, I have to be better at something than him! :)

  • Warren says: 11 April 2016, 8:32am

    Over the past year my entertainment setup has slowly been kicked out of the lounge to make way for our first born. (definitely not a bad thing! Especially considering he's a boy and already loves watching car videos). So I have permission from the wife to setup a man cave in the garage!

    Dirt 3 was one of the best PS3 games I played and would love to play the latest game and having an awesome wheel to keep it real.

    Winning this setup would be the perfect addition to the man+boy cave. Thanks :)

  • tony says: 11 April 2016, 8:36am

    It all starts with when a man
    -does not have girlfriend, does not have friends
    -does not have pet, does not have hobby like others -does not like to go out but like cars however don't really have real driving car

    The true 'lonely driver' will be rises with great help from Mighty Ape and this is the only chance that a man can truly stand and shout 'Its Dirt time!!!!!!' alone in his bedroom in this upcoming harsh cold winter time to keep his heart pumping.

  • Mike says: 11 April 2016, 8:52am

    I need this because a controller sometimes just doesn't cut it for racing games!

  • Ben says: 11 April 2016, 8:54am

    Because I love driving games and have never had a wheel so would love this for project cars !!! Please !!

  • Kingi says: 11 April 2016, 9:27am

    I think I need it since the wife refuses to let me get a new one after she "accidentally" threw out my last steering wheel. I have my own space/office so it "Wont get in the way" now though so this would be perfect! :) Love rally/driving games.

  • richard says: 11 April 2016, 9:35am

    Because i love racing games have done since ps1 but never had a wheel to call my own or a set up worthy of getting mates round for drunken racing game nights and playing need for speed and rally games woth the normal controller is sad and just wrong so wrong i dont spend as much time on them as i should

  • Aaron says: 11 April 2016, 10:00am

    Looks amazing! Would love to sink some time into a set up like this!

  • Charles says: 11 April 2016, 10:11am

    I cant afford a real car and gas so i need this to practice and to have fun!! :D
    Notice me senpai!!

  • Dawn says: 11 April 2016, 10:12am

    Would love to take this and build a custom frame around the whole thing, hook up the a 52" for viewing and race the husband!

    Winner gets control of the remote!

  • Joe says: 11 April 2016, 10:38am

    I need this as would be a great addition to my "Office" which now has a new surround sound set up that would be even more immersive when playing with a racing wheel.

  • Karl says: 11 April 2016, 10:42am

    I need this because I always go to the arcade with my brother and nephews where we always spend countless hours playing every racing game there so having a set up like this means I can now have the convenience of enjoying quality time with the nephews at home where they could play to their hearts content.

  • Daniel says: 11 April 2016, 11:18am

    I would love this as I love driving games and having the gear to drive would be sweeeeeeeeeeeet. Please mighty ape pick me id love you long time

  • Lucas says: 11 April 2016, 11:20am

    Racing games on PS4 just aren't as good with a controller, and now that I've bought a house I can't afford a wheel let alone DIRT Rally which I really want!

  • Jean says: 11 April 2016, 11:59am

    My grandson says that this prize is so awesome that he will wash my car for a year if I win it for him!!

  • Kylee says: 11 April 2016, 12:05pm

    I need this because reasons?

  • Sam says: 11 April 2016, 12:30pm

    I need this because i have a huge backlog of racing games and the experience is not the same if using a controller

  • Alexandru says: 11 April 2016, 12:37pm

    I really need this as I cannot do these things on the road and cannot afford a race car .. so this will have to do !

  • Tony says: 11 April 2016, 12:43pm

    I can obnoxiously put this in the living space so my parents to admire my sweet drifting skills.

  • Layli says: 11 April 2016, 12:45pm

    We need this so my fiancee can teach me how to drive without crashing his actual car

  • Mark says: 11 April 2016, 1:53pm

    oh i need this, haven't used a wheel on a racer since xbox days and colin mcrae rally 3 so much fun was had with family and friends, great laugh getting my mother and grandmother racing

  • Toby says: 11 April 2016, 2:50pm

    Oh yes please, im hanging out for a driving games for my ps4

  • Lee says: 11 April 2016, 2:58pm

    Because I'm going to be on crutches for the next two months, and I'm not allowed to run for 6, so this would definitely tie me over!

  • Patrick says: 11 April 2016, 3:14pm

    I had dirt 3 on Xbox 360 and sold it, now I have it on PC along with tonnes of other reacting games and I just can't bear using controllers to play all these racing games. Would make my year to have a simulator setup!

  • Christopher says: 11 April 2016, 3:14pm

    Need this, because I sold my old racing rig so I need another to get back into this game! Also, my little bubba loves playing with steering wheels :D

  • Shawn says: 11 April 2016, 3:29pm

    I wouldn't say I need it, but I would love playing it with my daughter and she would think its the ducks nutz if we got it for our Xbox

  • Christian says: 11 April 2016, 3:31pm

    I absolutely need this because I love racing games on my PS4, and the game pad just doesn't cut it when it comes to getting the best experience on them!

  • Sutty says: 11 April 2016, 4:25pm

    I will need this to fuel my need for speed.

  • Dorian says: 11 April 2016, 4:50pm

    My sister is a rally driver, and she also co-drives for Mike Turfus, they drive A Mitsi Lancer evo 6.5 and it is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I watched them come 2nd in the otago rally last weekend and it sparked a huge interest for me. Unfortunately I don't have a car suitable for rally. So winning this prize would just be a dream come true for me. Thanks mightyape!

  • Tom says: 11 April 2016, 5:10pm

    Would mean I could get a good head of steam up and drive a rally car without leaving my own home

  • Logan says: 11 April 2016, 5:15pm

    To be honest I would give it to my dad in the hopes that he would finally upgrade from ps3 to ps4, he loves driving games and has always wanted a good wheel.

  • Joseph says: 11 April 2016, 5:24pm

    I have recently discovered the joys of owning a man cave. It's not quite complete yet but I assure if I win this it would make it complete. Being the petrol head I am as well this would make my year winning this and annoy the Mrs. Please help a poor man in need of more racing games :)

  • Ash says: 11 April 2016, 5:36pm

    I need this set up in my life. I've always played racing games since I was 5 starting with Gran Turismo 1 and I've never had a wheel. This would be perfect!

  • Nathaniel says: 11 April 2016, 5:42pm

    My 5 kids and I would love to take our racing to another level with this pack!

  • Marree says: 11 April 2016, 5:43pm

    We need this it be the close my son will get to real driving and he loves driving games .

  • Danny says: 11 April 2016, 5:43pm

    I would really like this as I have no racing games currently and along with the steering wheel and pedals would make this absolutely epic.

  • Raine says: 11 April 2016, 6:36pm

    I need this to help immersion when playing racing games despite having owned a few driving games I've never had a wheel

  • Simon says: 11 April 2016, 6:42pm

    I would love this immensely as I generally suck at using a gamepad to drive in a game and need every ounce of help I can get, that and
    I hope this setup would aid in having my wife join me for a game or two instead of frowning at me from the couch. :-)

  • Nigel says: 11 April 2016, 6:57pm

    Why do i need this? So i can introduce my brother to the world of rally awesomeness

  • Brendon says: 11 April 2016, 7:01pm

    Mostly just to really confuse any pirates chasing my freelancer in star citizen

  • Adam says: 11 April 2016, 7:18pm

    I need this as I dont have a car to drive myself, so this would be the perfect alternate until I can save up enough to buy a car.

  • Andre says: 11 April 2016, 7:34pm

    I would like this alot. I can't drive properly because of personal reasons but this would be the closest thing I'd get.

  • Daniel says: 11 April 2016, 7:40pm

    I need to win this because im obsessed with rally and i've never tried a wheel before

  • Sam says: 11 April 2016, 7:56pm

    I have dreamed of owning a racing Sim set at home and now ,you the amazing team at mighty ape present me with the opportunity.

  • Nick says: 11 April 2016, 8:04pm

    My 7 year old has been bugging me to teach him how to drive...I cant see anything going wrong with this approach

  • William says: 11 April 2016, 8:16pm

    Because my controller just doesn't cut it! This would ;)

  • Dale says: 11 April 2016, 8:21pm

    Been a Colin McRae OG since PS1. Winning this would be amazing. Saving for a baby at the moment means no game purchases for months.

    Fingers and toes crossed over here!

  • blair says: 11 April 2016, 8:34pm

    because i need more ways to ignore my girlfriend and procrastinate from study. And maybe this will stop me hooning round the streets so much and i can leave the thrill of driving on the console

  • Peter says: 11 April 2016, 8:40pm

    Iv loved the dirt games since they first came out plus with the steering wheel i can teach my girlfirend how to drive properly lol plus with the kids they love racing games as well i think they gonna be race car drivers when they older but hopefully i can win something from yo guys

  • steven says: 11 April 2016, 8:53pm

    Love the dirt games...would be good to teach the young fella to drive on my Xbox

  • Adam says: 11 April 2016, 8:53pm

    I need this for a first time experiance to share with the bros and the kidds cheers for the opertunity goodluck everyone. :D

  • Anthony says: 11 April 2016, 8:53pm

    I have had a Racing wheel for all previous consoles I have owned and would not use anything else for racing games. I am yet to purchase one for my PS4 to use with Driveclub, Project Cars, and the upcoming Gran Turismo. This would compliment the PS VR when it releases later this year which I will be purchasing and adding to my force feedback racing simulation station (which I am currently building) for the ultimate VR racing feel.

    Thanks Mightyape for the chance.

    Also good luck to all the entrants.

  • Carhn says: 11 April 2016, 8:55pm

    Always lived playing rally games waaay back to sega rally etc. This setup would be awesome. Cheers

  • Phillip says: 11 April 2016, 8:57pm

    I've always loved racing games but never been able to afford the new ones, let alone a wheel setup. This would be an amazing opportunity!

  • Daniel says: 11 April 2016, 9:08pm

    I'd love this for my xbox one! I brought one yesterday after saving but don't have any games except for fifa which was on the console! But let's be real it totally sucks and I hate soccer. Make a young student lads dreams come true.

  • Matthew says: 11 April 2016, 9:23pm

    Wow, I could think of nothing better to get back into console rally racing than this set-up. I can remember some amazing times playing Colin McRae rally back on PS2, and then playing through the WRC games. This would be the ultimate way to experience the thrill of racing off road through narrow roads! Just need a PS VR to go with it!

  • Johnathan says: 11 April 2016, 9:28pm

    I need this because I've broken my cheap Chinese steering wheel and pedals playing need for speed

  • Brett says: 11 April 2016, 9:31pm

    Need this for PS4.
    Don't have enough money to buy games since the kids came along. This would complete my Colin Mcrea / Dirt collection

  • Lesley says: 11 April 2016, 10:08pm

    Cause I've just started to get into racing games and this would just make the setup.

  • Aaron says: 11 April 2016, 11:06pm

    I need to win this because I have to replace my old Trustmaster steering wheel because a dinosaur stood on it while I was time travelling which is another story.

  • Rhys says: 12 April 2016, 7:53am

    I need this to complete my driving simulation setup! Can't wait to get this game :D

  • Reuben says: 12 April 2016, 7:56am

    I absolutely need this setup because my younger brother is about to get his learners licence and defiantly needs to have a safe learning environment ;)

  • Callum says: 12 April 2016, 8:22am

    I already bought the game but the steering wheel set up would be awesome. Can't justify paying retail for one. Probably give the game to my mate so we can do some rally cross. I need this cause I work all week and I only get a few hours a night to relax and play games. This would just make it a bit sweeter.

  • cherie says: 12 April 2016, 8:52am

    I need this so I can give it to my Partner, so he can finally see what the ps4 can do, he's stuck in ps2 land with his driving setup, drags me around shops to contemplate what setup he wants to bring him into the present but never makes a decision! Help keep the peace in our house please!

  • Joanne says: 12 April 2016, 9:34am

    Wow if I won this I would be the most awesome Mum in the World lol.. What a terrific feeling that would be as I could never afford to buy this for my kids.... Please pretty please!!!

  • jeremy says: 12 April 2016, 10:18am

    As an avid gamer and streamer I'm all about immersion, what better way to race than with a steering wheel. I need this to fully engage in the game and experience it to its full potential.

  • Charlie says: 12 April 2016, 11:19am

    I'd like to win this for my brother. He'd love it so much!

  • Finn says: 12 April 2016, 12:12pm

    I love sim racers so this is perfect

  • rox says: 12 April 2016, 1:07pm

    Im disabled and not able to drive in real life, but this amazing prize pack would allow me to feel immersion in this game like nothing I could even get close to in real life! All without the danger of my disability making me drive off the road, on the couch I would be safe :)

  • Bowen says: 12 April 2016, 2:07pm

    i would love to win this so i can get back into car racing games again used to play them all the time as a kid ..would love this so me and my son can battle it out with one another :)

  • Paul says: 12 April 2016, 2:48pm

    'cause I'm all about sik skids and doughies #yo - but my mum's Swift really isn't the best outlet for my passion. Hook a brother up and get me off the streets - for everyone's safety!

  • Cory says: 12 April 2016, 3:27pm

    Would love to beat my girlfriend at driving games too, I am very competitive and don't let her beat me (well sometimes) would love having a steering wheel for this !!!

  • James says: 12 April 2016, 4:13pm

    I would love to win this as i am a huge fan of driving games and so is my father since gran turismo 1 and he is turning 54 very soon and if i could get him this it would be the best birthday present i could ever give him, so please please pick me.

  • logan says: 12 April 2016, 5:27pm

    Save a poor student some money!!! Haha I need this!

  • Carl says: 12 April 2016, 5:52pm

    I went to every Rally New Zealand in Northland throughout the 90s and 2000s and now I need this setup becaus eI cant go anymore!!

  • Anthony says: 12 April 2016, 6:03pm

    I need to satisfy my need for ripping around Dirt tracks in a safe, not life-threatening environment!

  • Matt says: 12 April 2016, 6:53pm

    I'm a huge racing fan. And it's my birthday on Thursday. This would make for the perfect birthday.

  • nick says: 12 April 2016, 6:57pm

    I would love it for my kids who are terrible at driving with the controller! Definitely not for me, think of the children!

  • finlay says: 12 April 2016, 7:28pm

    This looks awesome.
    I would love to have this. I have played almost all the dirt games. And this one coming up looks even better.
    Please pick me. XD

  • Matthew says: 12 April 2016, 7:29pm

    Yes please. I'd love to win this. I've always wanted to play a racing game like this! Just a shame it's so expensive! Please let me win it will be for my younger brother he loves these games!
    We need it so we can verse each other!

  • B.S says: 12 April 2016, 7:35pm

    I need this because I bought a new logitech g27 with my ps4 hoping to do some serious racing. Well it never worked because g27 do not support ps4.. My g27 is just boxed and stored in my garage for past 2 years

  • Matt says: 12 April 2016, 7:38pm

    I need this cose i only play car games and have never been able to afford a steering wheel

  • Sharon says: 12 April 2016, 8:07pm

    I need this to give to my son and get him playing something other than the endless fighting games he plays now.

  • Haimona says: 12 April 2016, 8:33pm

    I would love this ive owned the logitech g25 and g27 but had to sell both for the arrival of my daughter now shes older i can re live my love for driving games and also show my girl a bit of driving experience.

  • Craig says: 12 April 2016, 8:36pm

    This would complete my collection of all Dirt games. Racing gamers dream come true. Would go Ape if I won this!

  • Jeremy says: 12 April 2016, 8:46pm

    As a gamer and driver... This would complete me.

  • Stu says: 12 April 2016, 9:33pm

    Recently teaching my son to drive; I need this set-up as a bit of stress relief from that! High speed, action packed rally driving would be perfect for me to let go of the controlled road driving I've been preaching!

  • Kyle says: 12 April 2016, 9:35pm

    Would be a perfect match for me, nothing better then driving games with the ultimate gear!

  • Daniel says: 12 April 2016, 10:33pm

    So I can brag about how awful I am at racing games.

  • Ethan says: 13 April 2016, 12:27am

    I need this because I'm on muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory medication for a back issue I'm having, can't really go anywhere due to pain, this could be a neat time killer

  • Craig says: 13 April 2016, 8:19am

    My boy really loves cars & car games,& has his birthday coming up. He would absolutely flip out at a chance to rock this rig!

  • Jack says: 13 April 2016, 11:02am

    I do love a good racing game, but have been kind of avoiding them recently as its really quite difficult to have a good experience with just a controller or a mouse and keyboard. Having this set up would be an amazin get.

  • Jovi says: 13 April 2016, 11:17am

    This would be so amazing in my room i would empty a room just too play on the amazing setup !!! I watch my cousin play on his computer now i could switch the roles while he watches me play on this setup

  • Adrian says: 13 April 2016, 11:19am

    The last driving wheel I had was for ps2. Much more difficult with a controller

  • Dean says: 13 April 2016, 12:11pm

    Id realy love this package so me and my son can have some fun he is 5 and likes zombies but then gets scared and night hahaha. So it would be nice to get him of those and on some rally. And having a mean steering wheel package like this would really help him get into it.
    P.S his birthday is coming up next week =)

  • Brendan says: 13 April 2016, 12:44pm

    I have always wanted to get into racing Sims in this fashion but the cost has always been prohibitive. A kit like this would cause me to spend more on racing games through mighty ape. A win for me and you

  • Daniel says: 13 April 2016, 12:53pm

    Have been a huge rally fan all my life and loved the original Colin McRae rally games on PS1. This latest version is a return to form which demands the use of a decent wheel set up. Please don't make me resort to a cheap wheel attached to the ironing board!!

  • Simon says: 13 April 2016, 12:58pm

    I don't need it... I just want it. And I want it because it would be awesome to have it. And this is the only way I could have it... wow

  • John says: 13 April 2016, 1:16pm

    I need this for my son, he would absolutely love it and stop bothering me while I'm trying to play Dark Souls III :D

  • Nathan says: 13 April 2016, 3:09pm

    Please I need this for my Kids!! they love driving games!! This would be perfect. Cheers.

  • Ryan says: 13 April 2016, 3:18pm

    I want this one for my mum, and she can learn how to drive at home then. She's so scared to go on road.

  • Rick says: 13 April 2016, 5:24pm

    I soooo need this to justify having a man cave. I've been chipping away at the wife to convert the spare room into my man cave with no luck. If I won there would be nowhere else to put it. Basically we would be forced into having a man cave = RESULT :D thanks Mighty Ape!!!!! Love you x

  • Annette says: 13 April 2016, 5:32pm

    I am mum to 4 boys, including hubby we have 5 men who are gaming mad. I would definitely achieve mum of the year status if i scored this!

  • Keagan says: 13 April 2016, 5:40pm

    I need this as I've always been into driving games from Forza to Gran turismo to Need for Speed and I've always wanted to get a steering wheel but never had the money to do so! This would be an awesome addition to my set up :)

  • Jonathan says: 13 April 2016, 5:47pm

    Because i have no wheel to play any of my driving games

  • Paul says: 13 April 2016, 6:01pm

    Because Dirt Rally is awesome, but it needs fine control to make the game amazing

  • Jonathan says: 13 April 2016, 6:04pm

    I would Love to be able to get this i've been into driving games for years but i haven't been able to afford the proper equipment

  • joshua says: 13 April 2016, 6:07pm

    because race car? duh

  • Sheldon says: 13 April 2016, 6:08pm

    I've aways wanted to own the steering wheel but never had the money to. But owning one of these are as great as the arcade. So yeah wanting one of these for the flat would be nice

  • Lorraine says: 13 April 2016, 6:11pm

    Because it looks totally Badassery!! Would be an epic addition to my ps4 games :-)

  • Amanda says: 13 April 2016, 6:26pm

    Wrote off my G27 on GT5, need to be able to drive to work

  • Bryan says: 13 April 2016, 7:13pm

    I do really need this. I like playing race game and wheen I was a kid I been dreaming to have one of this but my family and I Couldn't afford this

  • Edwin says: 13 April 2016, 7:19pm

    I need this so that I can be really good at driving games.

  • Adam says: 13 April 2016, 7:21pm

    My sons and I would really love playing this with the driving rig.

  • Shoel says: 13 April 2016, 7:28pm

    I need this so that I can learn to drift. In game of course.

  • Michael says: 13 April 2016, 7:28pm

    Lookin forward to a decent rally/ racing game this would make playin them so much better.

  • Finn says: 13 April 2016, 7:33pm

    Would love this to become the worlds next best rally driver

  • reon says: 13 April 2016, 7:44pm

    I need this because like everyone here I like free stuff and like most I like driving games and enjoy setting times friends cannot beat.

  • cory says: 13 April 2016, 7:52pm

    I absolutely need this I love rally driving watch it all the time! I have a need for speed and love a good drift on the dirt. If I got this I would be over the moon! Thanks mighty ape for the chance! Best of luck everyone

  • Johnathon says: 13 April 2016, 8:13pm

    Last wheel I had was one of the original madcatz wheels on the ps1 playing grand truismo and nfs when I was a kid. let me relive my childhood :p

  • Fiona says: 13 April 2016, 8:36pm

    I'd love this! I've played driving games on and off for years but as I've never had a decent wheel setup I've never felt it's been the complete experience which I've always missed. this would the perfect addition to the living room!!

  • Troy says: 13 April 2016, 10:04pm

    I would love this as i have told the wife her anniversary prsent is on the way when i have no idea of what to get her, but she loves racing games and it would make her year

  • Brian says: 13 April 2016, 10:15pm

    I'd love to give this to my son to replace his old ps2 and the wheel that only turns left. He does really well considering but I imagine he could race really well with a new ps4.

  • Levi says: 13 April 2016, 11:33pm

    So I can learn to drift, and then overdrift into another dimension where drifting dinosaurs exist and nobody moves in a straight line.

  • James says: 14 April 2016, 4:15am

    I am the rally fan here...I have owned the wrc series since ps1 through to ps4. This is my dream package right here! I have never been able to fork out 500 plus for a wheel and this is my only chance to own one. The reason why I borght a ps4 was for this game!

  • Ryan says: 14 April 2016, 6:53am

    This prize would be amazing! The fiancé doesn't always agree with my PlayStation purchases. This way I get to keep myself happy and she can't complain if I didn't have to drop $900 on it! Planning on picking up dirt because I loved the originals on PS3. But how awesome would it be to have This steering wheel!

  • liam says: 14 April 2016, 6:59am

    Because it look pretty freaking sweet

  • Nicholas says: 14 April 2016, 10:02am

    I'd want one because I would love to experience the thrill of rally driving with a wheel and not a controller.

  • Tyler says: 14 April 2016, 11:11am

    Hey i would like to win this as me and my dad use to play together when i was young with a steering wheel and peddles and they got stolen when i was young and my dad is now in a better place. So i would like to win this to bring back the memories i had when i was young with him. Please

  • Duane says: 14 April 2016, 12:53pm

    I've always wanted a decent wheel and this looks awesome! Would get plenty of use between me and my son! Cheers MightyApe!!

  • elton says: 14 April 2016, 1:19pm

    Niece needs to learn how to drive....this would mean I wouldn't need to worry about her denting my subbie

  • Will says: 14 April 2016, 1:27pm

    Always wanted a steering wheel to play games with, the closest I've ever gotten was a PC joystick as a kid!

  • Jesse says: 14 April 2016, 1:56pm

    I would love to have this setup so that I can finally get into some good racing games. I've always wished to have a proper steering wheel.

  • DJ says: 14 April 2016, 2:20pm

    I need this as I'm sick and tired of crashing my car everyone I hop in. I think it's a mix of nerves and habit at this point. Really all I'm saying is I need the pratice!

  • Teresa says: 14 April 2016, 2:36pm

    I would love to win this for my son who is an absolute rally car fan! What an awesome surprise this would be!!

  • Paul says: 14 April 2016, 2:52pm

    I've been looking in to getting a racing wheel for such a long time. I love everything to do with motorsports, I love working on my car and driving! But you can't have a proper drive on normal roads, if you know what I mean. I've just starting flatting so there are other priorities for cash, so winning this would be so awesome!

  • Paul says: 14 April 2016, 2:53pm

    I've been looking in to getting a racing wheel for such a long time. I love everything to do with motorsports, I love working on my car and driving! But you can't have a proper drive on normal roads, if you know what I mean. I've just starting flatting so there are other priorities for cash, so winning this would be so awesome!

  • amy says: 14 April 2016, 4:35pm

    Because I don't have one

  • amy says: 14 April 2016, 4:37pm

    Ohmygosh where the rest of my comment haha that makes me sound rude... I write because my brother had a steering wheel for his console and used a seat out of a car to sit and play looked fun. And I love racing games.

  • Rowan says: 14 April 2016, 5:46pm

    I need this so that I can drive myself on dirt rather than the kids driving me up a wall.

  • Louise says: 14 April 2016, 7:34pm

    Because me and my 3 kids would have loads of fun and what a great way to teach them to drive before they get their licenses lol.

  • Sam says: 14 April 2016, 7:39pm

    I need this to have a nice break from dark souls 3 when I rage.... and also, to attempt to play dark souls 3 using a steering wheel and pedals.

  • Ken says: 14 April 2016, 8:14pm

    Wow I've always wanted a steering wheel setup. I'd like to teach my dad to drive PlayStation race games. Although watching him try using a controller is funny. AT 70 it's time the old dog learnt a new trick ;D

  • Albert says: 14 April 2016, 8:38pm

    Because regardless I would have an equal chance to other people to win this set

  • katrina says: 14 April 2016, 9:45pm

    We need this in our home as all 4 of us males love playing racing games but never can catch a break to afford a good set up... this would mean so much to us as rally and forza games are our all time favorotes will be thouroughly used and not just put aside after the novilty wears off.

  • Stephen says: 14 April 2016, 10:06pm

    I am a rally driver an would be great to have this to practice an to have fun on i have a ps4 but never have the money to buy this kind of cool gear because all me money goes on my car

  • David says: 14 April 2016, 11:06pm

    As a soon to be 32 year old with no license, what better way to get the thrill of driving at speed without drawing unwanted attention from the police, than with this perfect driving simulation set.

  • Stephen says: 15 April 2016, 7:55am

    Simply because I'm awesome but less awesome without this.

  • Enoka says: 15 April 2016, 9:28am

    I need this so I can teach my girlfriend how to drive!! No but seriously, I've just swapped from Xbox One to Playstation 4 and have to start over so would love this. Don't really need it, would just love to try it

  • Jonas says: 15 April 2016, 10:54am

    I want this for my son

  • David says: 15 April 2016, 4:35pm

    Thanks so much, Mighty Ape!
    This has really made my day :)
    It's my birthday today, so hearing the news that I had won was absolutely mind blowing.
    Can't wait to put it to good use :)