

WIN Allegiant: 25 Double Film Passes to give away!

By Stacey

Competition has now closed. Congrats to all our winners, we will be in touch soon.

Hey Book Monkeys,

Fans of the Divergent Book Series will know that the third film, Allegiant, hits cinemas on the 14th of April and 25 Mighty Ape shoppers, plus a friend, will be able to see it for free!

Thanks to our friends at Harper Collins we have 25 double passes to see Allegiant on the big screen to give away to the first 25 people who order any one of these books!

As if buying books wasn't rewarding enough!

Don't forget to swing by Mighty Ape Books and Harper Collins Facebook pages for more competitions and bookish news!

Competition closes 11.59 pm, March 16th. Winners will be contacted by email, unclaimed prizes will be re-drawn on the 30th March.

From the Books Gorilla

Tags: Books

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  • Kimberley says: 15 March 2016, 3:04pm

    A great series of books. They are very popular in our school library.